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English Tea Party Theme
Enjoy beautiful vintage English Tea Party supplies delivered to your door. Choose from the party box options below:
Tableware & Decorations
Tableware, place settings, tea party theme centrepiece and table decorations plus delicate bubbles as your tea party favor for each of your guests
Costume Accessories
White gloves, summer hats, pretty bags and a string of faux-pearls for each of your little ladies.
Goody Bags
Pretty lace drawstring bags containing a special pamper kit - nail polish, nail file, nail stickers and small foot shaped toe seperators. Plus a pretty coin wallet aand a candy necklace.
Games and Activities
Tea Party themed games and activites, with prizes, to keep your guests entertained. Mini indoor/outdoor croquet, decorate your own fans with paper fans and color pens, and traditional English Pass-the-Parcel with a small gift in each layer and a larger prize for the guest who uncovers the final layer.
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